Saturday, April 5, 2008

El Vez

Playing catch-up. Over a week has passed since the March 29 El Vez concert. But I have two very good excuses for being so behind. The biggest is my wife had a baby a few days before the concert, which means I'm a) happily distracted with other things and b) keeping a temporarily altered work schedule while things settle at home. My second excuse is we're also busy getting things ready to announce the BCPA's 08-09 season on April 24.

Stay tuned for that.

So, El Vez ... what did you think? I'd love to hear your comments about the show.

Dan Craft's preview article in the Pantagraph was a great snapshot at what patrons ultimately saw on stage. El Vez has a great sense of humor and is a compelling and confident performer, but he also has some strong political views, which I know didn't wash well with some members of our audience.

I had seen El Vez at a club in Tucson and was eager to see him again.

To me the show was a hoot. He seemed at odds with himself in a way that struck me as really silly: very confident in his performance and patter with the audience, but giving the impression he was a little out of control. A man who was not comfortable in his clothes (from a fly check in his leather pants to the fringe on the arms of his jumpsuit getting caught in his belt), but was master of his surroundings.

Were you there? What did you think? Send a note to me here and I'll post your comments.

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